Foods that Boost Immunity power

Increase immunity| Foods that Boost immunity| Immunity Booster drinks|
Boost immunity naturally| Herbal Tea

Hello folks! In the present situation, everyone will be searching for how to improve immunity in the body naturally and for immunity-boosting foods, tips, drinks, etc. In this article, I will be explaining the best immunity foods, drinks, and Herbal tea. Need not be worried! Stay “Safe” stay “Healthy”.

Immunity is the ability of the body to defend itself from bacteria, infections, and viruses. Having more Immunity power in the body is very important to fight against any viruses. In this article, I am going to explain the best foods to improve immunity naturally.

Foods that increase Immunity power

1. Vitamin C

Vitamin C plays a major role to increase immunity levels in the body. Many people take vitamin C supplements due to the insufficient of it in their bodies. Adults need 75 mg of vitamin C per day. As vitamin C is very important to boost immunity in the body we have to consume it daily. Instead of taking supplements why can’t we naturally consume them.
Many fruits contain more vitamin C. Those are Lemon, Orange, Kiwi, Guava, and Amla. It also repairs and cleanses the body.

Fruits 100gm
Lemon20 mg
Orange53 mg
Kiwi93 mg
Guava228 mg
Amla600 mg

2. Vitamin A, D, E, Zinc

Vitamin A, D, E, and Zinc are also very important to gain immunity in the body.

Vit A: Leafy vegetables and sprouts have more vitamin A. Consume 20% of leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Eat 2 to 3 types of mixed sprouts daily as it contains protein also.

vitamin D: This vitamin will not get completely from any natural foods. Sunlight is the best source to improve vitamin D. So, spend some time in the sunlight in the morning between 7:00 AM-9:00 AM and evening 4:00 PM-6:00 PM.

Vitamin E: Sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin E. It is also rich in antioxidant minerals and nutrients. Daily consume 30 gm of roasted or soaked seeds.

Zinc: Pumpkin seeds are very rich in zinc. Also high in fiber, magnesium, and antioxidants. Have 30 gm of seeds every day as a part of your diet.

Sugarcane juice to boost the immunity naturally

In summer, everyone will have cravings for cool drinks, ice creams, etc. These are all made up of artificial sugars, and preservatives. Due to this Covid19, the immunity level has been decreasing in our bodies.
Having immunity power in the body is very important especially in summer because different types of viruses and infections will be attacking our bodies. If you want to be aware of the infections like tonsils, cold, cough, flu, or throat pain, instead of drinking harmful drinks have sugarcane juice which is given by nature.

Benefits of sugarcane juice

  • Sugarcane juice is a natural immunity booster. It increases immunity and gives instant energy.
  • Sugarcane juice contains 39 calories per glass (100 ml).
  • Drink one glass (200 ml) of fresh and pure juice every day. It boosts the energy immediately within 10-15 minutes.
  • It is a natural sweetener, which doesn’t cause any type of cold, flu, cough, and asthma.

Note 1: Diabetic patients should not drink sugarcane juice because it will directly go into the blood and increase sugar levels. so, they can drink a small glass of juice but not regularly. Instead of drinking juice, they can eat sugarcane.

Note 2: Drink the sugarcane juice without adding ice, or refrigerate it. It decreases immunity and forms infections in the body. Instead of adding ice, add 1/2 lemon juice and ginger to the juice.

Natural immunity booster drinks

Boost your immune system naturally by including these juices in your daily diet.

1. citrus fruit juice:

Orange or mosambi: Have one glass of citrus fruit juice every day. It contains more vitamin C and increases immunity in the body. Do not add ice or sugar to it, instead mix 2 spoons of honey. Adding sugar and ice increases infections and decreases immunity. The best time to drink this juice is in the evening. Don’t drink in the early morning because it contains vitamin C, which causes gastric in the body.

2. Vegetable Juice:

To make vegetable juice add 1 carrot, 2 desi tomatoes, 2 to 3 small cubes of beetroot, and 4 to 5 slices of cucumber. First in a jar add tomatoes, and cucumber and grind them. Now add other veggies and grind them. Take it out and add some mint leaves, coriander leaves, and curry leaves, and grind it. Mix both the juices and filter them. Add 1 lemon juice and 3 spoons of honey to 300 ml of juice.
This juice contains vitamins A and C, which are more important for the immune system. It is also rich in antioxidants.

Herbal Tea

The immunity-boosting tea helps to increase the immunity in the body naturally.


  • 250 ml of water,
  • 1/4th teaspoon of turmeric,
  • 1/2 spoon of black pepper powder,
  • 1/2 spoon mixture of cumin seeds, Ajwain/carom seeds powder,
  • 1/4th spoon mixture of clove, cinnamon, cardamom powder,
  • One piece of ginger
  • Mint leaves, Tulsi leaves.

Take a vessel and add all the above ingredients. Boil it for 15 minutes on low flame. Let it reduce to half, and turn off the flame. Now filter the tea and add 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 spoon of honey.
Drink this herbal tea every day, it will help to reduce cold, cough, and infections. It has powerful antioxidants and reduces inflammation. Boost the immune system and detoxifies the body.

These are the foods that help you to boost your immunity in the body. I hope these tips will help you in this pandemic. Thanks for reading this article!

17 thoughts on “Foods that Boost Immunity power”

  1. Exceptionally well written. In the Right time I have seen this blog. Recommending everyone who visits this blog to try the Immunity booster. It is really good. I have tried after seeing this

  2. Very useful information about immunity power in body. You provided excellent details regarding immunity booster drinks and specially Note 1 and Note 2 related to Diabetic Patients. Nice job.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘


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