How to reduce body heat naturally?

Causes | Tips to reduce body heat

Do you feel your body heat is high at times, especially in summer? Readout this blog to know about the best tips and home remedies to reduce body heat naturally.


Do you get pimples often? Do you feel your stomach is too acidic? Not only these you may also phase diarrhea, rashes, bleeding, hair fall, acne, Itching, ulcers, heartburn, dry throat, and acidity. The root cause of all these problems is excessive heat in the body.
The normal temperature of the human body is between 97.8oF and 99.0oF. Sometimes you feel that your body temperature is too high. Your body cannot cool down the heat by itself, you have to take care of it by following simple tips.

Best Tips to reduce body heat naturally

1. sabja (basil seeds) water

Sabja seeds

Sabja seeds have many health benefits like helping to cool down the body, aiding in weight loss, and helps in relieving stress. It is also a good source of omega 3,6 fatty acids. Hence, it has inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation.
> Simply, soak one spoon of sabja seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight. Have this drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. This drink cools down the heat in the body and also helps in weight loss.
> Soaked sabja seeds can also be added to smoothies, desserts, falooda, and milkshakes.

2. Hydrotherapy (cold foot bath)

The cold footbath is also known as hydrotherapy. It instantly cools the whole body and reduces inflammation. Take half a bucket of water add a few ice cubes to make it cool, and add one TBSP of rosewater. Dip your feet completely in the water for about 10-15 minutes and do massage your feet.
> It helps to reduce any problems related to excess heat in the body. The best time to do it is before sleeping at night.

3. Sandalwood Paste

Sandalwood has medicinal properties which are capable enough to keep your body cool. It has been used in India for ages for its cooling properties to heal scars and skin problems.
> Take one TBSP of sandalwood powder, and one TBSP of Rosewater mix it, and apply it to the forehead. This paste calms the body, mind, and nervous system. It can also be used for skin issues. Simply take this paste and apply it to the pimples, rashes, and itching sensation.

4. Sitali breath or cooling pranayama

Sitali breath is also known as sitkari. It means the cooling breath is a yogic way to cool down the body. This pranayama helps to reduce heat from the body
Type 1: a) Sit in a comfortable position keeping the back straight.
b) Keep both your hands on the knees.
c) Bring Your tongue out and fold it on the sides like a tube.
d) Start inhaling through the mouth and exhale from the nostrils.
e) This completes one round. Do it for at least 3-5 minutes

Type 2: a) Sit in a comfortable position keeping the back straight.
b) Keep both your hands on the knees.
c) Open your mouth and bring your upper lower teeth together.
put the tongue close to the teeth and take a deep inhalation through
the mouth. Exhale from the nostrils, and continue doing this for 3-5 minutes.

5. Water

Drinking more water helps to reduce body heat naturally. According to WHO (World health organization), a human being should drink 70ml of water per 1 kg. So, a man should drink 4-5 liters of water per day, and a woman should drink 3-4 liters of water per day.

6. Food

In summer it is very important to keep your body hydrated. Drink or eat more water-content foods like watermelon, coconut water, and muskmelon. Avoid foods that are too spicy, salty, and sour. Eat sweet and bitter foods like amla, and lemon which cools down the body.

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